
The housekeeping staff uses simple surgical masks, gloves and disposable waterproof robes. Once the Personal Protective Equipment has been removed and disposed of in a closed bin, hands are thoroughly washed with soap and water. All hard surfaces are cleaned and disinfected with disposable cloths/fabrics or cleaning paper and sponges with detachable heads.

Property d 193 in Volos

Discarded equipment is treated as a contagious contaminant and discarded in special bags.

0.1% sodium hypochlorite is used after cleaning with a neutral detergent. For surfaces that are likely to be damaged by the use of sodium hypochlorite, we use ethanol at a concentration of 70% after cleaning with a neutral detergent. As an extra measure we use certified biocide liquids for the safety of our staff and guests.

When using disinfectants, the space is well ventilated.

Splashing and spraying during cleaning and disinfection is avoided.

In the event of a confirmed COVID-19 case:

  • All surfaces and objects that may have been contaminated are washed and disinfected according to the above instructions,
  • Housekeeping staff uses a simple surgical mask, gloves and a disposable waterproof robe,
  • Touching of the face with hands is avoided,
  • After the protective equipment has been removed, it is properly disposed of and hands are thoroughly washed with soap and water.
  • Housekeeping services are being strengthened in all public areas, especially in "high risk" facilities.
  • Thorough cleaning and good room ventilation are applied during the period between stays.
  • The proper operation of dishwashers and washing machines in terms of the temperature used and the dosage of detergents is regularly monitored.
  • The adequacy of Personal Protective Equipment (gloves, masks, robe, closed shoes, etc.) is checked.
  • Discreet monitoring of guest symptoms.
  • Non-frequent cleaning of the floor during guest's stay (avoidance of contact of cleaning staff with possible case and further transmission).

For departures, 2 protocols apply:

  • Normal cleaning and waiting 24 hours before the room is available to a guest or
  • Meticulous cleaning - disinfection of the rooms and bathrooms for same day use.
  • Decorative objects have been removed.
  • Commonly used multi-purpose items such as menus, magazines, etc. have been removed and can be found in the resort's app
  • A special disposable cover is placed on the TV and air conditioner remote controls after disinfection.
  • Fabric surfaces are cleaned with a steam device (temperature > 70°).
  • Doors and windows are opened daily for natural ventilation of spaces.
  • Hand sanitizers have been placed in all rooms.

Air Conditioning and Ventilation

  • The supply of fresh air to all Central Air Conditioning Units has been increased.
  • Air recirculation is avoided.
  • Continuous operation of Central Air Conditioning Units to avoid the multiplication of microorganisms.
  • All outdoor areas are adequately ventilated.
  • The replacement of filters for Central Air Conditioning Units will be done according to the maintenance schedule taking all protective measures.

Environmental Measures

Environmental measures to limit the spread of the virus include:

  •  All workplaces are adequately ventilated and air conditioning systems are regularly maintained.
  • All workplace surfaces, common areas and equipment are regularly cleaned.
  • In the event of a possible or confirmed case of COVID-19 infection, all areas will be disinfected according to the instructions of the National Public Health Organization.
  • Covered waste bins have been installed, where all disposable Personal Protective Equipment or other means used to disinfect work surfaces can be disposed of immediately after use.
  • Work clothes and Personal Protective Equipment are frequently cleaned and safely stored.
  •  Care for strictly personal use of standard Personal Protective Equipment.

COVID-19 Suspected Case Management Plan

If a guest shows symptoms relating to COVID-19, the following procedure is followed:

  • The property's health manager will contact CrossBorderMedCare and a doctor will visit the suspected case for evaluation. If necessary, a COVID-19 test will be performed.
  • The guest will be asked to remain in their room with the door closed, until the lab results are returned.
  • Patients who show symptoms of respiratory infection, will receive a simple surgical mask and tissues immediately.
  • If the patient has a companion who wishes to stay and take care of them, they will be given a simple surgical mask and be advised to wash their hands every time they come in contact with the patient.
  • Members of staff are advised to avoid entering the patient's room unless absolutely necessary, in which case a member of staff will be selected to deal exclusively with the patient.
  • Used protective equipment is discarded in a covered waste bin and is not reused.
  • After discarding the protective equipment, staff are required to wash their hands thoroughly.
  • If the COVID-19 test returns positive, the case will be reported to the National Public Health Organization who will then provide further instructions.

If an employee exhibits symptoms relating to COVID-19, the following procedure is followed:

  • The property's health manager will contact CrossBorderMedCare and a doctor will visit the suspected case for evaluation. If necessary, a COVID-19 test will be performed.
  • The member of staff will be asked to remain in their room with the door closed, until the lab results are returned.
  • Patients who show symptoms of respiratory infection (cough, sneezing, runny nose), will receive a simple surgical mask and tissues immediately.
  • If the COVID-19 test returns positive, the case will be reported to the National Public Health Organization who will then provide further instructions. An investigation is then carried out to determine the possible exposure of other employees or guests, who will then be asked to follow the instructions of NPHO.
  • All surfaces and equipment that have come into contact with a patient are thoroughly cleaned.

Cleaning and Disinfecting a Patient's Room

  • All surfaces that have come into contact with a patient are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Housekeeping staff are required to use a simple surgical mask, gloves and a disposable waterproof robe.
  • After removing their gloves, staff are required to wash their hands thoroughly.
  • Fabrics are cleaned with a steam device (temperature > 70°).